In the United States, electro-acupuncture has been studied for a variety of conditions. It has been effectively used as a form of anesthesia; as a pain reliever for muscle spasms; and a treatment for neurological disorders. Other studies have examined the role of electroacupuncture in treating skin conditions such as acne, renal colic, and acute nausea caused by cancer medications. There is also some evidence that electrical stimulation of acupuncture points activates the endorphin system, which could lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease.
What is Electro-Acupuncture?
Electro-acupuncture (EA) is the stimulation of percutaneously inserted acupuncture needles with weak alternating electrical currents for therapeutic purposes. EA greatly enhances acupuncture therapy’s effectiveness for a broad range of clinical conditions.
- Accelerates tissue healing: wounds, skin ulcers, etc.
- Facial Toning
- Paralysis
- Acute and chronic pain conditions
- Painful conditions not reacting to manual stimulation
- Acupuncture anesthesia
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Traumatic Affective Disorders
- Depression
- And many others..
Advantage of Electro-Acupuncture
- Eliminates having to manually twirl needles continuously
- Allows practitioner to treat several patients at the same time
- Allows stimulation of up to sixteen needles at one time via multiple channels
- Needle placement margin or effort is greater than for manual therapy; therefore, less accurate needle placement is required